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Uncharted waters

Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.” -African Proverb

This quote, doubled with one of my favorite poems: Invictus by William Ernest Henley, is simply stating that no matter what happens in life, through all of the hard ships and outside forces that may shape our perceptions, our choices and decisions ultimately guide the direction our lives are headed. (At least, thats my take.)

This has been a challenging year, and certainly some rough waters to navigate. However, through it all, I am confident that the final outcome will all be worth it!

We do not know what we are capable of accomplishing until we are faced with the challenges that life throws at us.

This year is a true testament to that across the board to any and everyone! We just have to keep pushing and plan for the best and prepare for the worst. Anything else outside of our control is up to fate to decide. That is all.



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