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Writer's pictureDawaun Butterfield

One small step..

Earlier this week The United States Judicial System restored just a little bit of hope so many of us were holding on to. The unwavering faith in humanity has once again allowed many to breathe just a little easier as an exhale of relief, however brief, was physically felt across the nation, if not the world, that small progress is being made for a more just society. *RIP George Floyd*

Life is certainly a fragile gift and you just never know when its your time.

Relating that to the things I can control, in my search for bettering myself (and the company) I always like to write down and therefore share inspirational quotes that I find inspiring:

"Design the life you want instead of waiting on someone to do it for you."

And this gem, which is two sides of the same coin, in my opinion:

"'Broke' is not about how much money you have in the bank, its a mindset" juxtaposed with: "Entrepreneurship is not a job, it is (also) a mindset"

Just some food for thought-

As a hip hop head, theres been far too many artists passing that seem to be far too soon. Just days after DMX's passing, Hip hop Harlem artist Black Rob passed, and now another legend, Shock G aka "Humpty" just passed two days ago. All part of the divine plan I suppose, but I hope they are all at peace, none the less.



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