sa·voir faire | \ ˌsav-ˌwär-ˈfer \
: capacity for appropriate action, especially : a polished sureness in social behavior
The paradox of any performance that seems effortless, is that tons of effort invariably went into producing that effect. When a master pianist plays a sweeping, flawless concerto, all the audience sees is the beautiful finished product, while missing the thousands upon thousands of hours in practice it took to achieve the seamless result.
In short, to properly achieve an aura of savoir-faire, knowing how to act in any situation, and do so smoothly, requires extensive training, preparation, and practice. To look like you’re not trying hard, you have to try very hard when no one’s looking.
That being said, I would like you to know that while on the surface, these one to two minute blogs, slightly over priced merch, and dope music are not just something I'm doing to pass the time. There is a lot of work and planning going on behind the curtain, and these are just a peek behind the grand plan. The final product will be worth the wait! Promise! In any tasks Ive taken on, especially one my name is attached to, I always take infinite pains beforehand and leave as little as possible to chance.
Plans of course are frequently disrupted, but the act of planning in of itself is always beneficial. By immersing oneself in a sea of practical details, it leaves little room for fear to creep in.
"instinctive knowledge of the right course of action in any circumstance," 1815, from French, literally "to know (how) to do."
Savoir Faire is unique. It's specific to you and only you. Thats dope. That is Buttawear.